I decided to choose 14 photos that express the best of what this website and I have produced in 2014. There are annotations for each as well as links to original blog posts for most.
Looking back on the last twelve months there have been a lot of developments. Really though, I have to go back to September of 2013 when I relocated to Toronto to properly express the magnitude of change I've experienced this past year.
Things were very difficult in those first few months, work of every form was hard to come by and I struggled to feel creative with my photography. But slowly things began to change. I started photographing events at The Peach Gallery and working closely with Blue Moth Creative. Artistically, street photography became more of a serious way for me to push my boundaries and keep my skills sharp between paying jobs. Eventually those images would hang in The Peach Gallery as I participated in two group shows, selling photos at each one. More recently I have begun to shoot with some publications, notably Daily Xtra, whom I covered election night in Toronto for.
Looking forward, 2015 already holds promise. Projects with Blue Moth are on the horizon, and I have just received my press accreditation for the Pan Am games. I have several ongoing projects that will be completed, but more on those soon. Personally I plan to grow my list of clients, push myself creatively and challenge myself to work on areas where I am weak.
To those of you who subscribe, thank you, your interest and support is very flattering. I'd like to thank my family and friends and specifically my partner Kate for all the support I have been given since moving to Toronto. If it were just me I would be working in a cracker factory or something by now. So thank you for everything.
One last note, Lachance photo no longer exists, I've rebranded to simply Nick Lachance. A lot easier and less confusing to promote my work this way.