This is going to be a hard one to beat.
You know how you envision something and no matter what it looks like in your head its never quite right on paper? Well fuck all that as I can safely say that wasn't the case with Trevor and Jackson's holiday photo shoot.
When Trevor (human) approached me a few months ago wanting some fun holiday photos of him and Jackson (feline), ideas started forming fast, especially after Trevor shared his plans to print the photos on sweaters for his family.
Being fully aware of other amazing cat-dad photos online I knew what I wanted to emulate, but I also wanted to kick it up a notch. A mixture of adorable, hilarious and kinda-crappy-looking would inevitably be my winning formula. Special thank you goes to Hubble space telescope, I am in your creative commons licensed photo debt!
All in all I'm happy, Trevor is very happy and Jackson is happy to be out of his sweater.