During my visit to Halifax earlier in October I did an impromptu photo shoot with my good friend Flynn and her new baby girl Sloan. The weather was fantastic for October and the temperature was over 20, so we decided to go near the water.
We wandered the boardwalk and beach for 30 minutes taking advantage of the wonderful conditions before Sloan decided she wasn't the happiest baby anymore. Turns out she was just the hungriest baby.
As Flynn started breastfeeding Sloan she asked if I would mind taking photos, and I had to admit I was about to ask if she would like me to.
This spurred a discussion about breastfeeding, and I learned it was not uncommon for some women to share photos of themselves feeding with other mothers through social media. Flynn told me, photos and support from other women help educate new mothers and empower them to feel comfortable feeding wherever they need to.
"Theres nothing wrong with breastfeeding its totally natural," Flynn said as we talked about people criticizing public feeding, "Honestly if you have a problem, go fuck yourself its just a boob."